Friday, November 16, 2007

JRuby and Seam

After spending a month or so playing with Ruby and Rails I'm really not happy with Rails.  I build systems that have to scale and Rails has some serious issues when it comes to that.  Its great for simple CRUD apps, but if you need to move outside of that or need to scale its got issues.

I do, however, like JRuby.  I'm also a big fan of jBoss Seam.  It just makes sense to me, use the scalability of EJB3 with state management in web apps.  In JBoss Seam 2.0 you can write your Seam components not only as EJB3, but also in Groovy.  I love EJB3 so that would be my first choice.  But I work with people who really want to use Ruby.  To meet in the middle I've been playing around with integrating JRuby into Seam.  Luckly, Seam is designed well to allow this with some learning curve.  

I'll post more later, but I've got a proof of concept where I can write my view in JSF, and a Seam-managed component in JRuby, which then uses JPA for persistence. 

1 comment:

ninkibah said...

Jonathan, did you ever get this to work? I need to have Rails pages living inside a Struts 1.1 (Eeech) app. Can you describe your strategy?